Brynn's lungs are right where they'd expect them to be at her age. In addition, her brain looks GREAT with no internal bleeding or swelling. Her heart also looks excellent on all levels except for a tiny little PDA (a passage in the heart that is necessary in a womb environment but that is supposed to close after birth). If it were bigger, she'd require surgery like the little Asian girl I wrote about below, but since even full-term babies have these small PDAs, none of the doctors are worried. They fully expect it to close on its own. Plus, she has NO IVs--not even to supplement nutrition--because she's eating the maximum amount of breastmilk that a baby her size can eat (this is called "full feeds"). What's incredible is that the staff doesn't usually expect full feeds for several more weeks. She's way ahead of the curve there and gained 20 grams (nearly an ounce) just today! My nurse yesterday said that since she's eating so well, she'll start to gain weight pretty quickly. And when she gains weight, that's when all the systems will start developing.
So basically, she's doing remarkably well. And although the other parents' stories remind me that anything can happen tomorrow, I can't help but feel overwhelmingly thankful that she's doing so well today.
Finally, I just want to add that I love my little Brynn. I love her little shoulder blades when she wiggles. I love watching her little eyebrows raise as high as she can raise them in order to open her eyes. I love seeing her fight the nurses (she's getting a reputation for being "the feisty one") because being a fighter is exactly what we need her to be. She's just wonderful. I feel like my life is just wonderful, too, and I can't think of anything to complain about.
I love you all,
Natalie, you a so strong! You are an inspiration to me and I think about you and your little family all the time. A friend of ours here just had twins at 29 weeks, well about 6 weeks ago, and one of them is having major complications, some with long lasting effects. I'm just amazed at how well Brynn is doing in comparison, even though she was about 4 weeks earlier. I'm so happy for you and for the great mom you already are! Keep updating, you're feeding the rest of us with faith we need in our own lives:)
You have such a great attitude! The pictures with her eyes open are cute.
I can't wait to see the changes in Brynn next week. I am going to look for some pink boxing gloves for her to wear with the nurses! We love our feisty little granddaughter, and the great parents she has for coaches.
Dave Young helped us find your blog. We (the Jensens), the Youngs, and Bryn are rooting and praying for your little family in a big way!
Love from the Wheaton Ward,
Monique and Tim
Each day there are new miracles with Baby Brynn. I love reading about her progress.
Natalie, The kids and I loved seeing the pictures of Brynn...we have never seen a baby so tiny. We were very happy to learn of the progress she is making. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing experience with us. You are a very special mother and a beautiful writer. You all will continually be in our thoughts and prayers! Love, Rachel and family
Thanks for your words Natalie. I needed some perspective today.
So exciting that she is doing so well! Keep up the good work! She is beautiful. Love, Steve and Erica Dryden and Family
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