First, then, this little flower is a miracle because it's still alive.
Second, it is a little miracle because last February or so, all the flowers died and the stem started to shrivel. I cut the stem off, but kept the plant because I liked the leaves--and because I was proud of myself for keeping it alive this long! Much to my surprise, this October, just before Brynn's first birthday, a new stem started growing. Just a week or so after Brynn turned one year old, it bloomed again. Symbolic? I thought so. Little Brynn and this Orchid have a few things in common, I'd say.
Third, I met the most wonderful artist recently who came to my studio over Christmas break and we became instantaneous friends. Her name is Mara Schasteen (find her blog and website here). On a whim, we decided to paint together before she left and we used the miracle flower as a subject:
Just thought I'd share. The vertical composition is Mara's (who is infinitely more talented than I at still life paintings) and the square one is mine (my first, rather imperfect attempt at being "loose" and "free" in my brushwork):

B-E-A-UTIFUL!!! You are so talented, i am so lucky to have you in my family. And don't worry, I didn't inherit my mom's green thumb either. Good luck with everything this month. Mitch and I pray very hard for you guys! love you! xoxo
Really nice post, Natalie. You have a gift of making others feel very important. There is something I keep forgetting to mention to you that I really want you to know: Ryan and I both fell completely in love with little Brynn in the few hours that we spent at your house. She is a treasure and God has placed her into the care of two very amazing parents.
It’s amazing how this orchid has persevered through challenges just like a new baby.
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