Grandma Lynda brought balloons (with the very serious Brynn):

Brynn continued to be serious while Grandma and Grandpa got stuff set up. She's NEVER cuddled like this with me since I've been in the hospital:

Grandma also painted "30" on the cupcake we shared, which Matt mistook for a belated birthday surprise (he turned 30 a couple weeks ago with little fanfare due to the hospital mayhem). Since I'd only thought it was for celebrating 30 weeks, I guess we killed two birds with one stone!

Here's the final set-up. In case you miss the joke, the ice box is a bed pan--unused of course!--and the "wine" is sparkling grape juice:

Glad you enjoyed it, dear!

Thanks for the great book and being willing to coordinate everything, Grandma and Grandpa!
Happy 30th Birthday to Matt and 30-week milestone!
love it! and thank you for the extra post since you kept us on pins and needles so much during the week ;)
Yay! I can't believe you are at 30 weeks already!! I know you have tried really hard to keep Heidi in there as long as you possibly can! Congratulations!!!
LOVE IT! Congrats again! Love the bed pan! Also CONGRATS on getting out! Even if only 15 minutes I can only imagine it was GLORIOUS! It'll give you an extra boost of "energy" to stay relaxed and keep right where she is for a while longer. Really, thank you for sharing all that you do, its beautiful to watch miracles happen and to have my life touched by your faith. Prayers coming your way.
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