Well, I don't gamble and I'm already married so what could possibly draw me to Vegas? Well, Matt wants to watch BYU in the basketball tournament and I'm not about to be left behind for the whole rest of the week/weekend! Although I'm not looking forward to 12+ hours in the car with two wee ones, I'm still excited to see my brother, sister-in-law, and nephews while I'm there...and perchance do a little shopping. It should be a pretty fun trip!
Signing off until our safe return!
2011Res: To Matt: I am SO grateful that of all the things we disagree on, they are all minor insignificant things. We are two peas in a pod for all the major life decisions, which makes our match a great one. To my girls: Brynn, I am so happy you love your baths now. You used to cry when any liquids got near your face but I savored watching you play in the bubbles and splash the water. Oh how you've come so far! Heidi, today I savored your unashamed grunting. You don't even know your lack of propriety is such an entertaining thing! Dear Mr H: today I packed something special for our Vegas trip, just for you.

Good luck with the car ride! Kyle and I have not driven longer than an hour with Jason so far-- but this will probably change this summer now that he doesn't hate the car.
ooooh! Have fun! And good luck with the little ones :)
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