1. Have you read the Constitution within the last four years?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
2. Have you ever read the Communist Manifesto?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
Do you favor—
1. Graduated tax rates on income?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
2. An unrestricted power in government to tax inheritances?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ]
3. A return to the gold and silver standard of the Constitution?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
4. Federal regulation of transportation and communication businesses?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ]
5. A system of free public education?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
1. For the purpose of providing for the less fortunate, do you feel government should have the power to completely equalize all incomes?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ]
2. If not, do you believe the poor have some claim on government for their subsistence needs?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
1. Should government have the power to prohibit child labor?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
2. Should government have the power to set minimum wages?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
3. Should government have the power to license every economic activity?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
4. Should government be completely without such licensing power?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
5. If you believe in some, but not complete licensing power, indicate three trades, professions, businesses, etc. which should be licensed:
a) ______________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________
c) ______________________________________________
List three which should not be licensed:
a) ______________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________
c) ______________________________________________
1. Government should have the power to regulate the operation of all economic activities.
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
2. Government should not have the power to regulate any legitimate economic activity.
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
3. If you believe in some, but not complete government regulation, do you feel you could draw a precise line between those activities which should and should not be regulated?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
4. Government should have the power to set minimum standards for all goods and services.
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
5. If you favor a partial, but not complete set of government standards, name three products or services for which standards should be set by government:
a) ______________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________
c) ______________________________________________
Name three products or services for which standards should not be set:
a) ______________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________
c) ______________________________________________
1. Should government have the power to bring waste lands into production and engage in soil conservation programs?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
2. Should government have the power to control natural resources such as rivers, lakes, forests and mineral deposits?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
3. Should governments sell to private individuals all the land they now own except that which is necessary for defense and protection of rights?
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
1. I believe that there is a distinct line between those circumstances under which the government should compel people against their will and those where it should not.
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
2. I believe that the scriptures provide accurate guidance regarding the distinction between good and bad laws.
Yes/Agree [ ] No/Disagree [ ] No response [ ]
2011Res: To Matt: I love the text you sent me today about your memory of one of your friends who thought we made "a good couple." To my girls: today I savored Brynn's puke-free day. I also savored Heidi's giggles as Brynn tickled her feet. Such good sisters! Dear Mr H: today I could tell you needed time in your "man cave" the second you walked in the door. I gave that time to you without complaint because I love you.

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